
Safety Tips to Keep New Drivers Safe On The Road

Feb 24, 2016

General Articles

Safety Tips to Keep New Drivers Safe On The Road

Make sure to have auto insurance and practice these safe driving tips for new drivers.

As your teen starts to drive, you realize it’s time to loosen the reigns a bit. They’re getting older and its time they start to become a little more responsible and little more independent. Let them take the wheel, but make sure they’re safe with auto insurance and these safe driving tips for new drivers.
  • Always be sure to buckle up (passengers too!). A seat belt is essential to keeping you safe in the event of an accident. Plus, it’s against the law.
  • Follow the speed limit. The speed limit is there for a reason. As you increase speed, you increase your risk for a dangerous crash.
  • Be wary of other drivers. You’re only in control of your own actions. You can’t control the reckless driver that runs a red light or races past you on the highway. Make sure to be aware of your surroundings and drive defensively. Your reaction to bad drivers on the road is key to keeping you safe.
  • Avoid distractions when behind the wheel. Turn the radio off, avoid eating or drinking, and put your cell phone away. The more distracted you are while driving, the more likely you are to get into a crash. Be sure to keep your distractions to a minimum.
  • It’s never okay to drive under the influence. Whether it’s alcohol or drugs, these substances alter your judgment and make driving incredibly dangerous not only for yourself, but others on the road. If you have had any alcohol or drugs, don’t get behind the wheel. Call an alternate form of transportation or stay put for the night. Take the bus, call an Uber, or have a sober friend drive you home.
Keep new drivers safe on the road with auto insurance. Contact the professionals at Fuller Insurance Agency, located in Southern California, for assistance finding the right policies for your lifestyle in the Chino Hills, Los Angeles, Long Beach and surrounding communities.
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