
Learn About Your Screening Options This Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Oct 16, 2018


Learn About Your Screening Options This Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Learn about your breast cancer screening options this October.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and, in honor of this month, you should schedule your annual breast cancer screening.  Not sure what testing methods are available to you?  Then read on to learn about your breast cancer screening options this October. Clinical Breast Exams (CBE) When administering a CBE, a doctor will feel around your breasts and under your arms for any lumps or abnormalities.  CBEs can be administered to both men and women and is the preferred screening method for women under 45 (normal mammogram age). Mammograms Mammograms are the most well-known breast cancer screening method.  During a mammogram, your doctor will use x-rays to search for tumors or irregularities in your breast tissue that are too small to detect by touch.  Because women are more likely to develop breast cancer as they age, it's recommended to start getting annual mammograms at age 45 until age 54.  At age 55, women can reduce screening to once every two years.  Women can speak to their doctors about scheduling a mammogram earlier in life if they are at a higher risk. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) MRIs are really only administered to those who are at very high risk of developing breast cancer.  For instance, women who have a direct female relative who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, women with the BRCA 1 or 2 gene mutation, or women with certain syndromes (such as Cowden).  The reason why MRI screening is not as common is because they are more invasive, more expensive, and more likely to result in false positives. These are some of the most popular breast cancer screening options that you should consider scheduling this October.  We at Fuller Insurance Agency encourage you and your loved ones to take care of yourselves and get screened this Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Want another way to take care of yourself?  Then make sure you have the right personal insurance protections in place.  Contact us in Southern California for assistance with all your coverage needs today.
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