
Extinguish Fire Hazards! Kitchen Safety Tips For Fire Prevention

Oct 12, 2015

General Articles

Extinguish Fire Hazards! Kitchen Safety Tips For Fire Prevention

These kitchen safety tips are the keys to fire prevention in your home.

Did you know that two of every five home fires are started while cooking? Cooking will continue to present a hazard to homeowners as long as we continue to be careless in the kitchen! In other words, you can cut your risk of household fires by 40 percent just by practicing basic—but thorough—kitchen safety. We want to help, so we’re offering these kitchen safety tips for fire prevention. They should serve as the cornerstone for your meal preparation.
  • Watch what you wear. When you’re standing over the stove, roll up your sleeves and tuck back any loosely fitting clothing. If you’re wearing an apron, make sure to tie it in the back rather than wrapping the string around to the front.
  • Never leave the stovetop unattended. If you have to step out of the kitchen, turn your cooktop off. Your food will stay hot, and you can turn it back on as soon as you re-enter the room.
  • When grease gets splattered or spilled, don’t wait to clean it up. Grease build-up is very flammable, and a grease fire can be difficult to put out. Similarly, never pour hot grease into the garbage where it could meet with combustible materials. If you do face a grease fire, smother the flames rather than using water to put it out.
  • If a fire starts in your oven or microwave, turn it off and keep the door closed until the fire has completely gone out.
  • Keep a working fire extinguisher in or near your kitchen.
While these tips will go a long way towards helping you defend your home against a fire, accidents do happen. If a fire breaks out in your home, would your homeowners insurance cover the damages? To make sure you have the coverage your Long Beach or Los Angeles home needs, contact California-based Fuller Insurance Agency today!  
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