When you have a comprehensive auto insurance policy in place, you can drive confidently on the roads knowing that you are protected from all possible perils. The right auto insurance policy will protect you and your car from fire, theft, bodily injury, medical expenses, property damage, and of course, car accidents. Depending on the coverage options you choose to obtain under your customized auto insurance policy, you may receive legal expense coverage as well.
Depending on the particular state in which you live, you will be required to obtain at least the minimum required auto insurance protection. Each motorist requires a unique amount of auto insurance coverage.
Each individual motorist requires a unique auto insurance policy. Allow the insurance experts at Fuller Insurance Agency to provide you with guaranteed protection on the roads and customize an auto insurance policy that fulfills your insurance needs.
The definitions are only a general description of the coverage.
You must read your policy for actual definitions, limitations, and coverage limits as each has their own language and coverage limits.